Celebrity Sun | Scouse Bird Problems

I was havin a mooch on twitter one day and came across something which claimed to be the fake tan that doesn’t smell of biscuits, not only that but actually smelt of baby powder. Yeh alright lad whatever. I decided to give it a punt though, I’ll try anything once and seein as it was (still is) on offer for £6.99 instead of £15 I got me fella to acquire me some for Xmas. At the moment they do one shade and it’s in a spray form which allows for a pretty even application. As with all tans though I’d wear latex gloves (no one wants to have the drama of bleaching their hands) and pat well for an even finish. Naturally my first question to them was ‘You ARE gonna be doin a dark, a dead dark and for the hardcore tanner a ‘scouse’ shade right?’ – They confirmed more products and shades are being added imminently. I think at the time of actually writing this they may have already launched a few more – including different scents and a shimmer.

I snuck it on before I went to bed knowing full well I’d set off the ‘biscuit smell detector’ (me fella) if there was so much as a hint of digestive coming from me. He didn’t even notice! Result. I think if I put me nose right to me skin and sniffed hard there was the faintest ‘eau de tan’ in the morning but it was barely enough to comment on. A definite improvement on both the cheap and expensive tans we all know and love. I was pretty impressed with the colour as well, it was reminiscent of me bronzey from when I got back from Egypt this year – ok not quite as dark, that was ridiculous and would look totally out of place in late December but it was a nice shade and it was even.

celebrity-sun-text-logo-5786984I was sitting in work the other day and lookin at me pale arms in disgust (take the shame Scouse Bird, take the shame) so the next morning before work I even put a thick layer on and now they’re lovely. Yes that’s right, I wore it to work and no one was even on to the smell.

All in all I’m pretty impressed. www.celebritysuntan.com
They’re a pretty new business so as far as I know they’re looking for stockists so if any salons want to get in touch I’m sure they’ll be happy to chat. They offer spray tan stuff as well as the individual at home spray bottles. I’d get in now while they’ve still got an offer on. I’m deffo stockpiling it! To follow them on twitter and stay up to date with new products click here


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