Posted On: 02/10/2014
By: Scouse Bird
Thursday 2nd October 2014 is National Poetry Day – it’d be rude not to get involved…
Shall I compare thee to a summers day?
Sitting off in your grey trackies and scratching away?
I’ve been in the kitchen cooking the roast for 3 fucking hours
While you lie on the couch shouting about Stevie G’s powers
Now don’t get me wrong I’m all for loving my man
But you can’t even be arsed to help me do my tan
Dya want me to look all pale like a wool?
I can’t even upgrade you cos a Casper can’t pull
I just want you to tell me how fit I look in this dress
But still think I’m fit the next day when I’m basically a mess
I just need to get away from you for a girly night
You’re doin me head in, you’re bein a gobshite
I love ya and that don’t get offended now ay,
I’ll get it all off my chest after a glass of rosé
For a start I caught you on pornhub havin a tommy tank
Then I text you 10 times and what did I get? Blank
You liked a Facebook picture and that Stacey’s a slag
We’ll call it quits if you go to Cricket though and buy me that bag.
Come to think of it I’m sick of putting up with your shit
No matter what I do you’ll always be a tit
Everyday I think “Is he messin?” so I’m giving you the can
Cos I’m an independent Scouse Bird who don’t need no man.
Scouse Bird
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